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coilex ©
dem international führenden Store für Schuhe und Accessoires mit nachhaltigem Design. Wir sind liberal, legen Wert auf zeitlose Aesthetik sowie Qualitaet und achten dabei die Natur, die Menschen und Tiere. Unsere innovativen Produkte wurden für alle Geschlechter, Nationalitaeten und Alter entworfen.
the leading international sustainable design footwear + accessories store. we are a liberal store, we value timeless aesthetics and quality while respecting nature, people and animals. our highly innovative products are designed for all genders, nationalities and ages.
Damen | Women
nat-2 Footwear x Sneakers x Shoes for Women
Herren | Men
nat-2 Footwear x Sneakers x Shoes for Men
Farmhouse Classics
A collection of sustainable and ecological footwear, items and accessories ideal for...
Gummistiefel | Rainboots - The Great Outdoors
nat-2 ™ luxury sustainable ecofriendly rainboots. 100% waterproof nat-2™ nachhaltige, umweltfreundliche Gummistiefel....
Vegane Produkte | Vegan Products
nat-2™ sneakers and footwear free from any animal ingredients. 100% vegan. waterbased...
Beach x Travel
The most progressive, innovative sustainable beach- travel and adventure footwear.
Natur Materialien | Natural Materials
nat-2™ | high-end futuristic sustainable innovations such as the world's first vegan...
High-End Sustainable Luxury
The utimate luxury sustainable sneakers and more.
Rustikal | Rugged - Heritage
Heritage | Rugged | Dandyism
Fair Athletics
A collection of sustainable footwear and accessories for active minds produced under...
Unisex | Genderless
Unisex Produkte. Wir sind weltoffen und tolerant <3 Genderless Products. We are...
Kunst | Art
Masterpieces of Craftmanship. Unique sneakers, rather for collecting and display than wearing....

nat-2™ Bio Boot

nat-2™ Bio Boot brown vegan (W) | 100% waterproof biodegradable rainboots
View full detailsnat-2™ Bio Boot grey green vegan (W) | 100% waterproof biodegradable rainboots
View full detailsinto the woods
"a carefully curated selection of high end vegan and eco sneakers"
beach x travel
"a unique edit of plantbased and recycled items for the journey of your life"
cozy home
"probably the most extensive and beautiful collection of sustainable home footwear"
coilex products as seen in: