Maklumat Hubungan

K&T Handels- und Unternehmensberatung GmbH

Schragenhofstr. 35

D-80992 Munich


Ph +49 89 32443 67
Fx +49 89 32443 68

store [ at ] coilex . com

Store Hours: by appointment - friday to saturday

Bank: KSK Traunstein-Trostberg
Acc.-No. 401 66 951
Code: 71052050

Trade Register: County court Munich HRB 75646
CEO: Matthias Thies, Sebastian Thies

VAT: DE 129391215


ODR [European Online Dispute Resolution] | Online-Streitbeilegungsplattform [OS-Plattform]

here the link to the European Online Dispute Resolution (starting 15th of february 2015)